Managing Lone Worker Safety in Your Organisation
Without a clear picture of the lone working situation in your company, it's difficult to ensure you have implemented the right safety solutions that will keep your lone workers safe.
Our step-by-step guide on managing lone worker safety aims has been designed to help employers gain awareness in five key areas:
- The employer’s obligations towards lone workers.
- The number of lone workers under your responsibility.
- The exact hazards and risks your lone workers face.
- What your lone workers need to stay safe.
- The lone working safety solutions that meet their needs.
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About the Guide
- A complete guide to identifying, understanding, and mitigating lone working risks so you can create a first-class workplace safety culture.
- Templates and step-by-step guide for four different safety processes: lone working survey, lone working risk assessment, near miss and incident reporting, and risk management strategy.
- Resources and next steps to take action and implement each step of the guideline according to best practises