
lone worker protection at hospital

Making Lone Worker Protection a Priority in Your Next Health and Safety Review

Lone worker protection is understandably thought of by many as just a small part of an organisation’s health and safety efforts, referring as it does to only one part of the workforce. But if recent times have taught us anything, it is that remote and lone working is not going anywhere. Lone workers have been…
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contractor working the night shift

How to Protect Employees Working on the Night Shift

Working nights is a common reality for workers across a variety of industries and, while many prefer this way of working, it also comes with its fair share of downsides. The benefits of working at night include travelling at times when the roads and public transport are less busy, having more personal time in afternoons…
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small business owner health and safety policy for small businesses

What Should be Included in a Health and Safety Policy for Small Businesses?

In business, a lot of principles are transferable across locations, industry and size. But when it comes to health and safety, some key variables can make a lot of difference. While large enterprise companies must focus on the scalability of solutions, SMEs have more room to tailor policies to their workers’ specific needs. So what…
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lone worker training

Lone Worker Training: How to Get Employees to Follow Your Lone Working Policy

We all know that people are busy, and health and safety or lone worker training can sometimes fall to the bottom of the list of things to do. If some of your employees work remotely or out in the field then this can make things even more tricky, with additional steps that have to be…
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health and safety responsibilities of employers risk assessment

What Are the Main Health and Safety Responsibilities of Employers?

Achieving optimum health and safety at work is a group effort that involves everyone from employers and full-time staff to contractors and even visitors. If a company does not have the basics of its health and safety down, then it can lead to bad outcomes for any or all of these categories of people, but…
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accidents at work roofer

What Are the Most Common Causes of Accidents at Work?

It’s at the forefront of any good employers’ mind - what are the most common causes of accidents at work, and how can they be avoided? Employee safety is perhaps one of the most important things that organisations should be focusing on, as at the end of the day, it is people who often drive…
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Vatix is now part of the G-Cloud Framework

Vatix and its lone worker protection services have now been added to the G-Cloud 12 framework, allowing government and public sector bodies to access the company’s Protector™ platform, app and lone worker devices through the system. Vatix’s inclusion in the G-Cloud 12 framework supports the company’s ambitions to become the leading provider of lone worker…
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lone worker returning to work

5 Easy Ways to Protect Employees Returning to Work This Winter

Winter is coming or, rather, it’s looming in the distance and full of unknowns. With changing regulations regarding advice on returning to work and the new dangers that employers must navigate when it comes to health and safety, it’s easy to view winter as a problem waiting to arrive rather than an opportunity for growth.…
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