
The latest industry news, interviews, technologies, and resources.

The Complete Guide to Laboratory Incident Reporting

A complete step-by-step guide for identifying, documenting, and classifying lab incidents to ensure accurate reporting. Detailed guidelines for immediate action and assessing the severity of incidents to facilitate appropriate responses and containment.
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Managing Lone Worker Safety in Your Organisation

A complete guide to identifying, understanding, and mitigating lone working risks so you can create a first-class workplace safety culture. Templates and step-by-step guide for four different safety processes: lone working survey, lone working risk assessment, near miss and incident reporting, and risk management strategy.Resources and next steps to take action and implement each step of…
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Lone Working Survey

Designed to give you insights on what you need to keep your employees, contract workers, and volunteers who work alone as safe as possible while on duty. Helps you to identify blind spots or non-compliance issues that need to be addressed immediately. Customisable and editable to suit your individual business’ needs. Download the free survey…
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Lone Working Policy Template

Our lone working policy template is designed to help UK employers create or update their lone working policy. The template is a great starting point for those who want to create an effective lone working policy that complies with the Health & Safety regulations. It covers all essential areas of a lone working policy, from…
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Essential Guide to Health & Safety Incident Reporting

It can be very stressful when an incident happens. Under this stress, you could easily miss a lot of important details for your incident report. The H&S Incident Reporting Checklist provides a step-by-step guide to reporting workplace incidents. It includes a checklist of the main tasks involved in the incident reporting process so that anyone…
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Incident Report Template

Incidents happen. The real question is how do you handle the incident when it happens. This incident report template is a straightforward document that allows you to thoroughly report incidents without hassle. It can be used to log any accident, injury or illness that occurs in the workplace. Download your free incident report template now.
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The Ultimate Guide to Lone Working Safety

The Ultimate Guide to Lone Working Safety is a comprehensive guide to lone working safety designed to help you create a safe lone working environment.It includes everything you need to know from lone workers' risks to how to do lone working procedures and implement solutions correctly.
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Writing a Lone Worker Policy: Your Step by Step Guide

A comprehensive how-to on separating blanket health and safety measures from those specific to the needs of lone workers.In-depth advice on how to determine what kind of risks are present in your lone workers’ roles.What to include in your lone working policy document.
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Employers’ Legal Obligations For Lone Worker Protection

The definition of lone workers, and the kinds of risk they might face. A detailed breakdown of how employers can meet their duty of care with risk assessments, a lone worker policy and more.
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Lone Worker Risk Assessment Template

A lone working risk assessment should be one of the first things on your to-do list when it comes to building your lone worker safety policy, and this template will help you to: Identify the most common risks that could impact your lone workers. Determine how great the risk is.Find out what you can do…
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